Ofsted & SIAMS Inspections

Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. In lessons, teachers have very high expectations of pupils. They rise to these expectations, work incredibly hard and achieve very well, including in external examinations. The school is a calm, harmonious place where pupils demonstrate excellent manners and greet visitors warmly.OFSTED 2024

The Governing Body of All Saints is committed to providing an educational experience of the highest possible quality for the Academy’s students. Governors undertake regular evaluation of the quality, standards and Christian distinctiveness of education in the Academy.

The Academy is inspected by the government's inspection service Ofsted on a regular basis in accordance with national guidelines. Under the latest guidance an Academy rated as providing a good quality of education can expect to receive an Ofsted inspection approximately each five years. This time can vary depending on the continued level of success the Academy is judged to be having.

Ofsted inspected All Saints in December 2024 for a period of two days.

The Inspectors found that three out of four areas investigated were ‘Outstanding’, including:

  • Leadership and management
  • Behaviour and attitudes
  • Personal Development

View the Ofsted full report

Everyone who walks through the door of All Saints will leave transformed through an encounter with the Christian gospel.
SIAMS 2019 

This is a resounding endorsement of our central belief that ‘Every child matters equally to God.’

The Church of England inspects the Academy every five years to determine the extent to which it is distinctive and effective as a Church Academy. Our last inspection was in March 2019 when we received the highest grading of excellent, including excellent for Collective Worship and the effectiveness of Religious Education. The report can be downloaded here.

The Department for Education (DfE) has released the school comparison tool, (previously know as Performance Tables). This tool allows parents/carers to find information which allows them to assess levels of attainment and progress of students in All Saints and to compare that with other schools and with national averages.

Parent View is a website designed by Ofsted which gives parents the chance to share their views about
All Saints and to compare our Academy with others.
