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“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Gandhi.
Our vision for PSHCE at All Saints
PSHCE at All Saints Academy equips students to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. It encourages students to be enterprising and supports them in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices and in achieving economic wellbeing. Over 5 structured days our PSHCE programme will provide opportunities for our students to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future.
PSHCE at All Saints Academy contributes to personal development by helping students to build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem, and to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions. It enables them to recognise, accept and shape their identities, to understand and accommodate difference and change, to manage emotions and to communicate constructively in a variety of settings. Developing an understanding of themselves, empathy and the ability to work with others will help our students to form and maintain good relationships, develop the essential skills for future employability and better enjoy and manage their lives as a citizen of today and the future.
How we will achieve this
Following an audit of current PDE day practice and also how citizenship and PSHE are covered across the curriculum, the following changes have been made to the core themes. The 5 key themes will ensure that all statutory requirements are covered, support our Academy’s Christian values and embed our Teaching and Learning sequence. These changes will ensure PSHCE is covered holistically across the curriculum and in our tailored days over the course of an academic year. The progression through our core intentions will secure progression and ensure our intent is realised. To ensure the PDE programme is fit for purpose in 2022/23, national and regional data have been used alongside student and staff voice and lesson observations. These areas have all helped to inform the changes for this year’s study.
Teaching and Learning
Every session during the PDE Days supports our whole Academy Teaching and Learning sequence.
The structure of each session is applied consistently and is also shared with any external presenters.
How we assess PSHCE
Assessment in PSHE and Citizenship is a complicated and controversial issue. It is also one of the main areas where PSHE differs from other subjects as it cannot be assessed in the same way. Although there is a knowledge base to the PSHE and Citizenship programmes the assessment suggested in this programme is more focused on the skill development and showing the progress that students make in terms of their personal, social, economic and political wellbeing.
Personal attributes, so central to PSHCE education, are arguably the hardest aspects of learning to assess. It is difficult for teachers to accurately assess a student’s self-confidence or sense of their own identity and values. However, pupils themselves will be able to judge, for instance, whether they feel more confident, or have a firmer sense of their own beliefs and opinions than they did before a particular series of lessons. Such personal reflection in PSHCE education lessons is essential, so ensuring pupils have time and space within the lessons to reflect on this, either privately or through discussion, is a vital part of the assessment process. Assessing learning in PSHCE education must therefore use a combination of teacher assessment and student self- and peer assessment.
Assessment is 4 fold:
- Baseline assessment
PSHCE education covers issues and areas of life which young people will be affected by in different ways and at different times. As such we cannot make any assumptions based on students’ age or year group about their existing knowledge, understanding, attributes, skills, strategies, beliefs and attitudes. So to assess learning and progress effectively, it is important to carry out a baseline assessment before teaching anything new. As students’ learning in topics such as healthy eating, online safety, relationships and so on will come from a number of sources, we can only see whether they have made progress in their learning if we have established the knowledge, understanding, attributes, skills, strategies, beliefs and attitudes they had before any new teaching took place. The learning we wish to assess will relate to the students’ attributes and skills, as well as their knowledge and understanding related to the topic. Students’ existing knowledge and understanding is often the easiest learning to assess but whilst gauging students’ existing skills, strategies, attitudes, beliefs and attributes can never be an exact science, there are activities that provide an insight into their starting point.
Baseline assessments can then be revisited as part of the AFL journey.
Baseline assessment activity | Endpoint activity to demonstrate progress |
Solo Taxonomy continuum -post it notes, student line, washing line, Points on a scale | Reflection and movement of position along line or scale/ through taxonomy - rate themselves in light of new learning. |
Questioning | Revisit key questions, extending with higher order questions. Invite students to think of key questions for future learning. |
Discussion Role-play | Revisit main arguments from baseline discussion; formal debate; presentations. Repeat activity, showing how strategies have developed/ changed and demonstrating new skills; script a conversation or role-play on a related but more challenging situation. |
Storyboards/ cartoon strip / scenario script writing | Evaluate effectiveness of baseline strategies/ ideas through discussion, revisit in a different colour - add, amend, expand, change, role-play their revised script. |
Mind-map or spider diagram | Revisit in a different colour - add, amend, expand. |
"Graffiti wall" / "working wall" | Revisit in a differnet colour - add, amend, expand; answer questions written on the wall at the beginning and think of key questions for future learning. |
Quiz | Repeat quiz; ask students to write a new set of quiz questions for peers to answer. |
Questionnaire "Draw and write" Students respond in pictures and words to an open-ended neutral instruction e.g. draw someone doing something risky, draw a healthy person. | Repeat questionnaire; ask students to write a new questionnaire for peers to abbswer. Revisit in a different colour - add, amend, expand. |
Card sort e.g. diamond 9 | Repeat the card sort; photograph and compare to a photo of the original; justify verbally or in writing any changes to the order resulting from the new learning. |
2. AFL during the lesson: teachers use questioning as a tool to assess students’ application of the learner dispositions in relation to acquiring crucial knowledge.
3. Peer and self-assessment may form part of the learning journey over the course of the PDE day. For example:
Using "I CAN" statements
The following example illustrates how "I Can" statements can be applied to different contexts in order to assess attainment within a scheme of learning.
Year 7 focused lesson on puberty
Learning Intention: To understand the physical and emotional changes young people experience during puberty and the importance of personal hygiene.
Working towards | Working at | Working beyond |
I can identify why puberty is a transitional stage iin my life | I can explain that puberty is a transitional and temporary stage that marks the change from childhood to adulthood | I can confidently explain the physical and emotional changes during puberty and assess their possible impact on individuals |
I can describe how puberty prepares a person's body for becoming a parent | I can describe how puberty prepares a person's body for becoming a parent, recognising that this does not necessarily mean a person is ready, or will be able to have a child | I can describe how puberty prepares a person's body for becoming a parent, and explain the differences between being physically and emotionally ready for having a child |
I can suggest examples of physical changes that occur during puberty | I can explain how to manage the changes that occur during puberty and how to promote physical and emotional health, including how to maintian hygiene | I can explain a range of strategies to manage changes that occur during puberty and ways to promote physical, mental and emotional health, including detailed knowledge of how to maintain hygiene |
I can suggest some ways to promote health and hygiene during puberty | I can identify a range of different sources of advice about puberty, including online services and how to access them | I can evaluate a range of sources of advice about puberty. I can make recommendations about appropriate services to match different puberty related concerns. |
I can list support services for someone who needs advice about puberty, self-esteem or body image. | I can explain the role of the media in influencing a person's self-esteem during puberty, including in relation to body image. | I can analyse how and why the media may have a significant impact on a person's self-seteem, body image and body confidence during puberty. |
4. The testing of knowledge overtime will also be part of our ‘Masters of Recall’ programme. Students in KS3 and KS4 will have access to knowledge organisers (KO) following each day. These KO will then be tested at the end of each term using a Microsoft Form quiz. The student evaluation of the term will also be included. However, unlike the curriculum subjects homework will not need to be submitted.
The quizzes and evaluations will be stored in their PSHCE area on Microsoft Teams.
Evaluation of PSHCE
The PDE days will also be evaluated termly by all staff and students with regard to: teaching and learning and organisation. This Microsoft Forms feedback will be used to forward plan and improve any areas for the next PDE day and to report to governors.
Mapping: Skills and Knowledge
The schemes of learning which are included in this programme are not only mapped to the National Curriculum programmes of study but also to the Every Child Matters Agenda, Our Whole School Learner Dispositions, SIAMs Strands (2,3,4,5) Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills; Character Development- Hope, Aspiration and Courageous Advocacy; Community and Living Well Together; Dignity and Respect. The programme for 23/24 has been developed in conjunction with the Worship programme.
The materials used are accredited by the PSHE Association and the objectives are mapped in our Long Term and Medium Term Plans.
Implementation Overview
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 |
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Student Overview - can also be found in the classroom.
Development of Cultural Capital
Our ‘Cultural Capital’ programme at All Saints Academy supports our personal development ethos. Our curriculum extends beyond the academic. It provides learners with a broader development enabling them to develop, discover and act upon their interests and talents.
Our four pillars of cultural capital are: leadership, culture, skills and character. We want students to develop a language of virtue and a conceptual understanding of what it means to have good character. Students need to understand why character is important for the flourishing of themselves and wider society.
As a school we intentionally provide students with as many opportunities as possible to develop their cultural capital. These experience are just restricted to trips but woven into the very fabric of our school day.
To find out more about how our personal development programme develops students cultural capital please follow this link to our separate page.
Evaluation 2023
PDE Letter Evaluation Summer Term
Letter to parents Introduction to PDE days
PDE Learning Visit Form
What is the impact of our work
Below is a gallery from our previous PDE days.