Senior Prefect Head of House Hild

Saint Hild

Hi, I’m Scarlet. As the head prefect of Hild, I intend to spread our house values of inclusiveness and equality throughout our whole house, especially amongst the new year 7 students who will be transitioning from their primary schools to All Saints academy. I want to work alongside my fellow prefects to ensure that we provide a safe, nurturing environment not only for the new year 7’s but also for all of the existing students in the school all the way up to the year 11 who will be sitting GCSE’s and the year 10’s who are starting their GCSE courses.  

One of the many reasons I wanted to become the head of Hild prefect is due to our house values as they mean a lot to me personally as I have grown up in life with a medical condition, which is not visible to the eye. I want to ensure that no child ever feels the need to be quiet about what is wrong with them and feels like they always have someone to talk to, so they are not alone. Speaking from experience, I understand how daunting and stressful it is to move to a new school and  be introduced so quickly to so many new classmates, teachers as well as older students as I myself came from a very small primary school, Myton park, with a class of under 30 children and had to quickly adapt to the new secondary environment with over 180 new classmates. All I want is to provide a caring space for the new students to feel looked after and important rather than feeling scared of the older students and alone. 

As a house our main goal this year is to raise more money so that we can give back to those less fortunate than ourselves and improve the community around us by giving to charity. We will achieve this by getting more people involved in charity events and running funnier more effective charity events. 

This is just a small insight as to why I wanted to become a prefect, and I am extremely glad I did as now I get to work alongside my peers and with my amazing teachers to better our house and the students in it.